
Mobile app design project

Alimento - Cover
Alimento App Icon


is a new Italian mobile app that wants to provide food easily to its users.


Delivery Food demand in the Italian scenario is growing fast, especially due to the pandemic, the coverage for online grocery shopping increased at an exponential speed. Alimento wants to become the most innovative and cool digital player.


Female target
Male target

28 – 48 years old




Brief & Challenge

Alimento is committed to revolutionizing e-commerce by creating a unique platform with a standout visual identity and exceptional user experience. Their goal is to set new industry benchmarks, leveraging innovative technology and intuitive design to provide unparalleled value to our customers and differentiate ourselves from competitors

Design Process

Survey results

How frequently do you go grocery shopping?

No Data Found

How do you typically get to the grocery store?

No Data Found

How much time do you typically spend at the grocery store?

No Data Found

What is your primary motivator for going to the grocery store? To buy…

No Data Found

How much do you spend on groceries per week?

No Data Found

Rate your satisfaction level with your current grocery store






User interviews

Involve users in interviews.
Find early adopters…

I interviewed about 20 users, trying to focus on their habits and identify a margin of improvement based on their experiences. Explaining the objective of the research I asked questions about their needs, goals, frustrations, and expectations.

user interview
Interview example

User stories

Acceptance criteria

Users should be able to add items to the cart with no more than two taps from the product listing page

The app should display any applicable discounts or promotions on the checkout screen.

The app should offer free shipping on all orders, to encourage users to make purchases without additional cost considerations.

Users should have the option to save multiple payment methods and delivery addresses for quick selection during checkout

Competitor Analysis

Cortilia Logo

#1 Cortilia - Spesa online

A sustainable shopping, full of artisanal and short supply chain products. Learn about the history and origin. FREE delivery as default.

#2 Everli

Online shopping in your favorite supermarkets. A personal Everli shopper chooses the products and delivers them to you from €2.99

#3 NaturaSì

Deals with the wholesale and retail trade and distribution of organic, biodynamic and natural products, through a circular model

#4 Esselunga a casa

Born in Milan in 1957, Esselunga is present today in our country with over 150 stores, with the greatest concentration in Lombardy.

Competitive Landscape

competitive landscape


The Data is Not Available



The Data is Not Available

Everli profile


The Data is Not Available

Naturasì profile


The Data is Not Available

Esselunga profile

The Product




Giulia is a busy Italian professional in her mid-thirties who loves cooking and is always trying out new recipes. She values healthy and high-quality ingredients but finds it challenging to find time to shop for groceries amidst her hectic schedule. She is frustrated with the inconvenience of crowded supermarkets and long checkout lines.

Persona Giulia


Marco is a busy Italian man in his early thirties who leads a hectic lifestyle.He struggles with the time-consuming process of grocery shopping and is actively looking for a solution that can help him save time and simplify this task.

Persona Marco

User flow

User flow




Components: NAVbar



Cart section with a current number of items


Possibility to add items on a list or write notes

Favorite items

Your favorite products always accessible


Account section with settings and history of previous orders

Components: NAVbar




Select product size or weight
Add product to the cart
Product description, price, discount, availability
Select quantity: add or remove items
Details about selected products, with quick accessibility to change the items' quantity, or delete them.
Summary of user's cart. Check the total amount and head to the checkout and payment step
cart summary
Sorting options and the possibility to suggest alternative products if some are not available.
Product Page • Add item
Cart summary
Product • Item details



User testing

Ease of Navigation:

  • 90% of users (14) found the navigation within the app to be intuitive and easy to use.
  • Positive feedback was received regarding the clear categorization of products and the simplicity of switching between different sections.
  • All users got how to add items to their cart.

Customization Features:

  • Some users suggested adding more options for customization to further enhance the personalization aspect of the app.

Product Discovery:

  • A few users expressed difficulty in locating specific products and suggested implementing a more robust search feature.

    Some users have cleary understood how to tap to filter or sort results.

Checkout Process:

  • 85% of users reported a smooth and hassle-free checkout experience.

User testing 2
User testing 1

Desired metrics to measure after the GTM

Page views per session


Drop-off rate




Time on task


Exit tate


Conversion Rate (CR)



Final thoughts

Alimento presented an exciting opportunity to elevate the online grocery shopping experience to new heights.

Although the project never came to fruition, the thorough analysis, insightful examination of users’ behavior, and extensive research conducted provided invaluable insights.